2019 - Brīnišķīgā satikšanās / Wonderful rendezvous

Artist: Jāzepa Mediņa Rīgas 1.mūzikas skolas zēnu koris,
Uldis Marhilevičs, Jānis Kalniņš, Dzintars Beitāns, Antra Stafecka un Gints Grāvelis
Kora aranžējums: Edgars Linde
Skaņu ieraksts: Edijs Gņedovskis (G.E.M.)
Format: CD
© 2019 MicRec

1.   Kādā saulainā svētdienas rītā (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs), solo: Šarlote Kronberga & Larss Jākobsons
2.   Tik tak iet laiks (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs)
3.   Mācies sagaidīt (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs)
4.   Visiem pasaules vējiem pa vidu (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs)
5.   Es atgriežos mājās (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs)
6.   No visām debess pusēm (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs)
7.   Tici sev (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs), solo: Mārtiņš Lūkass Staķis
8.   Brīnišķīgā satikšanās (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs)
+9.  Mēs esam (U.Marhilevičs/G.Račs), solo: Mārtiņš Lūkass Staķis
+10. Charitas (U.Marhilevičs), solo: Tomass Meri
+11.-18. Instrumentālais pavadījums (U.Marhilevičs)

The song cycle 'Wonderful rendezvous' is a musical tale of friendship that blossoms into true love. It's a story of chance meetings and partings, of yearning and the desire for fulfillment.

The cycle begins with the two protagonists as children, unaware that their fateful encounter will lead to a friendship that will grow into something greater. Though separated for years, their reunion proves that their bond is unbreakable.

Despite the challenges they face in their separate journeys, nothing can change the fact that they are meant to be together. Their reunion on a sunny Sunday morning is a truly magical moment, and their meeting is an example of the amazing connections that can last a lifetime.

May you too experience many such wonderful encounters in your life! As human beings, we are made to connect with one another.

Until we meet again through the power of music!

Guntars Račs
Author of the lyrics to the song cycle "Wonderful rendezvous"

(cc) 2004-2024 JMR1.MS Boys’ Choir